Counseling | Story Work | Soul Care
Serving adults and families in Richmond, VA
"I started meeting with Claire … and I know it wasn't by accident. She listened and graciously spoke truth, inviting me to be real with myself and have the courage to continue walking this hard but necessary path of healing."
— former client
The counseling relationship is an alliance meant to empower growth and healing. It is in this context that you are invited to experience ways of relating to yourself, God, and others that are marked by increasing depths of truth, goodness, and beauty.
Words invite growth in us, both individually and communally. Whether it’s a team retreat, seminar, or women’s event, my aim is to use words to lead groups towards deeper engagement with their individual and collective stories and richer presence in their respective communities.
Story Writing Groups
Story writing groups offer a group counseling experience that combines therapeutic writing with group processing. Participants are assigned writing prompts to complete both in session and between sessions that are then shared with other participants during group time.

"The greatest and most important problems of life are - in a certain sense - insoluble. They can never be solved, but only outgrown."